Training Details​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

  • Training session.  
  •  AUT Millennium track upgraded is now open.
  • Training sessions for events 60m to 800m for newbies, Sundays 9am. 

​​​​AUT Parking: If parking in the any of the car parking areas at the AUT Millennium, please put in your car rego number into the parking meters that are located in the car parks.



North Harbour Bays Masters 14th annual awards  Sunday 19th May 2024

An excellent turnout of athletes, wifes and friends attended the morning awards presentation held in the NHB club room at the AUT Millennium. Athletics New Zealand corrspondent Murray McKinnon attended for the fourth year to hand out masters club record certificates and also the main awards. NHB awards:                                                                                                                                                    Chris Waring trophies for Most Improved Sprinter over the season: David Blackford and Phillipa Green.                                                                                                                                                           The Main awards: "NHB Master Athlete of the Year 2023/2024"                                                               M50 Mark Lambert [sprints] and W80 Chrissie Waring [sprints] both for setting national records over 60m/100m/200m.                                                                                                                                               

 New Zealand "Athlete of the Year" 2020/2024 NHB winners were: Mark Lambert[sprints] David Anstiss [Jumps] Arno van der Westuizen [Throws and Combined events] and Anne Goulter [Throws] The presentations ended with an array of savoury and sweet goodies of brought in by the people attending.

Tony Deleiros NHB L/M.